Orthodox Christian Prayers



The Holy Fathers of the Church teach that prayers to the Mother of God are never unanswered. Ancient fathers and saints of the Holy Church used the following Litany when the faithful were in serious sickness, afflictions, demonic possessions, mental agonies and other desperate occasions.

(This prayer has its origin in the Syrian Orthodox Church, and during the Crusades the Roman Catholic monks took this beautiful prayer to the west and modified to make it more Roman Catholic and later added additional incantations reflecting the Roman doctrine of Mary’s immaculate conception. What we give here is the original Litany of the Mother of God, as used in the Syrian Orthodox Church)

Leader: Christ, our Lord!
Response: Incline Your ear to us and accept our supplications.

Leader: God, the heavenly Father!
Response: Have mercy on us.

Leader: God, the Son, who redeemed the world!
Response: Have mercy on us.

Leader: God, the Holy Spirit!
Response: Have mercy on us.

Leader: Holy Trinity, the one God!
Response: Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, virgin and mother, Pray For Us.
Holy Mother of God, Pray For Us.
Holy Mother, virgin of virgins, Pray For Us.
Holy Mother, who bore God, Pray For Us.
Mother, full of divine grace, Pray For Us.
Mother, most pure, Pray For Us.
Mother, most chaste, Pray For Us.
Mother, inviolate, Pray For Us.
Mother, undefiled, Pray For Us.
Mother, most amiable, Pray For Us.
Mother, most admirable, Pray For Us.
Mother of good counsel, Pray For Us.
Mother of our Creator, Pray For Us.
Mother of our Savior, Pray For Us.
Virgin, most prudent, Pray For Us.
Virgin, most venerable, Pray For Us.
Virgin, most renowned, Pray For Us.
Virgin, most powerful, Pray For Us.
Virgin, most merciful, Pray For Us.
Virgin, most faithful, Pray For Us.
Mirror of justice, Pray For Us.
Seat of wisdom, Pray For Us.
Cause of our joy, Pray For Us.
Spiritual vessel, Pray For Us.
Vessel, most valuable, Pray For Us.
Vessel of virtuous life, Pray For Us.
Vessel of charity, Pray For Us.
Mystical rose of joy, Pray For Us.
Tower of David, Pray For Us.
Crystal Tower, Pray For Us.
House of Gold, Pray For Us.
Ark of the Covenant, Pray For Us.
Gate of Heaven, Pray For Us.
Morning Star, Pray For Us.
Medicine of the Sick, Pray For Us.
Refuge of sinners, Pray For Us.
Comforter of the lamenters, Pray For Us.
Joy of the afflicted, Pray For Us.
Help of Christians, Pray For Us.
Queen of angels, Pray For Us.
Queen of patriarchs, Pray For Us.
Queen of prophets, Pray For Us.
Queen of apostles, Pray For Us.
Queen of martyrs, Pray For Us.
Queen of confessors, Pray For Us.
Queen of virgins, Pray For Us.
Queen of all saints, Pray For Us.
Queen assumed into heaven, Pray For Us.
Queen of Peace, Pray For Us.

Leader: Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world:
Response:Absolve our sins.

Leader: Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world:
Response: Incline Your ear to us.

Leader: Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world:
Response: Have mercy on us.

(If a priest is present, the following concluding prayer is to be said by him)

Huthomo (Concluding Prayer)

Eternal and Adorable Lord God, we beseech you: May we, your servants, enjoy perpetual health of soul, mind and body; and through the glorious intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we be delivered from our present sorrows, and also receive the special assistance in this great need that we request from You at this time (here mention your immediate needs) so that we may bless You with Your Holy Mother and all the saints through out eternity. We raise praise and thanks to You, Your only begotten Son, and Your Holy Spirit, now, always, and forever. Amin.

Our Father, who art in heaven….

Hail May, full of grace….


Holy Theotokos,
You are the joy of all who are sad,
The defender of the oppressed,
The nourishment of the wretched,
The consolation of strangers,
The staff of the blind,
The visitation of the sick,
The shelter and relief of the defeated,
The help of orphans;
Wherefore, O Holy Mother of the Most High,
O All Holy One,
We implore you,
Swiftly come to the deliverance of your servants
and devotees,

(The fathers of the Church teach that this is a very effective prayer for the immediate intercession of the Holy Mother of God when the children of the Holy Church are in immediate need of her assistance)


Our Lord Jesus Christ, close not the door of Your mercy in our faces. Lord, we confess that we are sinners, have mercy on us.

Your love made You descend from Your place to us, Lord, by whose death our death was ended; have mercy on us. Amin.


Jesus, Son of David, Have mercy upon me a sinner!


(These are said as often as a person can while walking, driving or running, or doing his/ her daily chores to keep God’s presence with him or her- These are spontaneous outbursts coming out of a Christian)

Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have mercy upon us!)

Jesus, Have mercy upon us and save us.

Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners!

(Repeat these prayers without interruption)
