By Sister Cornelia Rees The sunsets and sunrises in this rural, southern part of Holland emanate mystical shades of effervescent pink, a manifestation which has drawn many an artist to these lowlands. And if one were to search all over Holland, it would be difficult to find a place more suitable for a monastery than…
By Nun Cornelia Rees Batiushka, you have vast experience in teaching. You have taught in secular schools as well as in Church educational organizations. You have also conducted the courses now gaining some momentum in Russia, called, “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” What qualities, in your opinion, should a teacher have if he wishes to teach…
By Alexandros Papadiamandis Uncle Milios never spoke a truer word, when he said the good Christians living outside the town might end up having to celebrate Easter that year without a liturgy. In fact no prophecy was ever closer to fulfilment, for it almost came true twice — but happily God made the authorities see…
By St. John Kronstadt Genuine Repentance & Confession heals and makes the immortal soul holy. This is the correct way to prepare for Holy Communion. So that we can better examine the depths of our conscience, it would be ideal to first read several books on the Sacrament of Confession.[1] Also, discuss any uncertainties that…
By Kuriakos Tharakan Thottupuram, Ph.D., D. D. It was a shocking surprise to hear the report that a German national of Syrian Orthodox descent was ordained to the episcopate at Trichur in India by two bishops of the Orthodox Syrian Church of the East- Malankara a few weeks ago. The ordination was conducted by Metropolitan…
Orthodox Life Introduction The Orthodox Church is, by its very nature, catholic and obviously ecumenical (universal). It welcomes with open arms all peoples, of all races and all times, and invites them all to come. Christ, who is the head, addresses the world throughout all time: Come to Me all of you, while at the…
-Kuriakos Tharakan Thottupuram, Ph.D., D.D. I believe it was Goldsmith, who said: “Water, water, everywhere water; not a drop to drink”. Now we have another paradox. A few years ago, I was strolling with His Holiness Mor Didymos I, Catholicos-Patriarch of the East, the head of the Church of Malankara, on the courtyards of the…
Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren An interview of Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren to daily Danas (translated from serbian policy site} Q: It is well-known you aren’t an ecumenist. What is your opinion about the Ravenna statement adopted by members of joint theological commission of Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Church? A: Why…
By Michael Whelton Michael Whelton, who was born in the United Kingdom, completed high school, there and then moved to Canada where he studied for two years at York University in Toronto. After a stint as a job and wage analyst at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto, Ontario, he moved his young family to…
By Nakkolackal V. L. Eapen Mental energy, purposefully focused on the mental activity of ‘thinking’, gives rise to thought(s). There are also idle thoughts that arise when the mind, not at rest, aimlessly strays from one subject to another. Though abstract, thoughts represent condensed mental energy, and so, have inherent potential power for good or…