Kuriakos Thottupuram, Ph.D., D.D. If you are devout and love God, enjoy this beautiful and radiant celebration. If you are a grateful servant, enter, rejoicing, into the joy of your Lord. If you followed the fast, receive your payment now. If you worked from the first hour, receive today your just reward. If you came…
Kuriakos Tharakan Thottupuram, Ph.D., D.D. We write this editorial with great pain because of a recent decision our Episcopal Synod has reportedly taken regarding widower-priests, giving them the permission to remarry. This is totally unorthodox, and we think this will destroy the sanctity and integrity and historical character of our priesthood. Our priesthood is so…
By Chor-Episcopos Dr. Kyriakos of Chicago The other day when I was dismissing my Metaphysics class after the final lecture of the semester my farewell statement was: “Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!” Immediately the response from the back corner of the classroom was “Dr. T, don’t say so; it is politically incorrect to…
Rev. Father Alexander Lukashonok, M.Div. (Guest Editorial) There is a period of time before the feast of Christmas that is very important and very special; it is the 40-Day Fast, called by several names, St Philip’s Fast, the Christmas Fast, or Advent. It is a time of spiritual preparation and growth as we prepare to…
The greatest religious deception ever perpetrated in history was and still is from the hand of the Pope of Rome who perpetuates the false claims that he is the Vicar of Christ and through his primacy and infallibility he rules the “True Church” founded by Christ. He proclaims to the world that we Orthodox Christians…
An American Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Church by James M. Kushiner I don’t remember when I first became aware that there are other than Roman Catholic or Protestant Christians. There are so many Catholics and so many Protestants in the United States that the Orthodox virtually are an invisible minority to many. When I finally…
By Katherine G. Valone Orthodoxy in the world is alive and well, but, also in some cases suffering great persecution. This is to be expected. The Lord Jesus Christ said that His Church would suffer much and history records “The Suffering Church” that has prevailed. At this point in history it is significant to understand…
by NAKKOLACKAL V.L EAPEN “God is Spirit.” (Jn. 4:24). Being made in His image and likeness, man is a spiritual being, NOT a rational animal, as taught by the ancient Greeks. God the Father sees us always as spiritual beings, and calls us to live victorious abundant lives in His Son, Jesus Christ, and be”more…
By Katherine G. Valone Community of the Holy Mount Athos OPPOSES COMPROMISING THE FAITH The well known periodical, ORTHODOX LIFE, in its NO. 1 2007 issue carries an open letter from all the holy abbots of Mt. Athos decrying the recent meeting of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew and Pope Benedict XVI on November…
LEARNING FROM THE TWO CRUCIFIED CRIMINALS OF CALVARY by NAKKOLACKAL V.L EAPEN Gaining invaluable insights into life from others’ experience, rather than our own, is generally reckoned a measure of maturity and humility as well. Humility is as fundamental as IQ (Intelligence Quotient) to effective learning. Often we tend to learn from superiors and peers,…