2012 Paschal Editorial: We chose to print the following 2012 Paschal Encyclical of His All-Holiness Bartholomew I to take the place of our regular editorial for this season because of its cogency of content and pastoral impact. We print this in this section as this great archpastoral letter is more meaningful for our readers than…
To the faithful people of the Coptic Church in Egypt and throughout the world, our beloved in the Lord: grace and peace from on high. The world’s heart stopped briefly in mourning as we all learned the sad news that His Holiness Pope Shenouda III fell asleep in the Lord. Yet, we do not mourn…
29 /1/2012 PAT YALE , MARDİN Imagine a landscape of narrow country roads hemmed in by dry stone walls. Imagine village after honey-colored village, each with its church tower punctuating the skyline. Imagine golden-stoned houses blending softly into the scenery. The cotswolds in the UK? No, believe it or not this is a description of…
Istanbul, Turkey 12/20/2011 + B A R T H O L O M E W By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church Grace, Peace and Mercy from our Savior Born in Bethlehem “Christ is born again and the Angels sing once more: ‘Glory to…
An interview with Archimandrite Athanasius (Nos), abbot of the monastery of St. Onuphrius the Great in Jabłeczna, Poland. Archimandrite Athanasius (Nos) has two obediences in the Church: he is the abbot of the famous monastery of St. Onuphrius in Jabłeczna, and the dean of all Orthodox monasteries in Poland. Although the number of Orthodox monasteries…
By Metropolitan Pavlos An interview with Metropolitan Pavlos of Sisanion and Siatista Metropolitan Pavlos of Sisanion and Siatista, born in Chalkida-Evia, who has dedicated a great deal of time to social service, has spoken his mind in an interview with the Greek news agency Romfea concerning the problems facing the Greek public and the Church….
MANY CONFESS, BUT FEW REPENT What is repentance and confession? By Monk Moses of Holy Mountain Confession is a God-given commandment, and it is one of the Sacraments of our Church. Confession is not a formal, habitual (”to be on the safe side”, or, ”in view of upcoming feast-days”), forced and unprepared act, springing from…
By St. John Of Shanghai Our grief for our loved ones who have died should be inconsolable and boundless, had the Lord not given us eternal life. Our life would be senseless if it ended in death. What benefit would there be from virtue, or from good deeds? Then they would be right who say,…
“Orthodoxy is the Fruit of My Whole Life as a Christian and a Monk”- Father Gabriel Bunge By Archpriest Pavel Velikanov Jan 25, 2011, 10:00 Translated by Svetlana Tibbs Edited by Jacob Aleksander Brooks and Isaac (Gerald) Herrin A famous Swiss Catholic theologian, Hieromonk Gabriel Bunge, converted to Orthodoxy on August 27th 2010 in Moscow,…
By Fr. Panayiotis Papageorgiou Jan 20, 2011, 10:00 They surrender their lives to the “Geronta” or “Elder” or “Starets” trusting him to lead them to perfection and sanctification-”theosis”. They always gaze toward the Cross of Christ seeking the strength and consolation of the Crucified and Risen Lord. Through Prayer, Obedience and Humility they become “like…