The first printed issue of The Voice of Orthodoxy was published more than twenty years ago as a quarterly journal of traditional Orthodoxy. It was widely accepted as a conservative theological journal, and acclaimed as a periodical defending the true faith of ancient Christianity even in lands as far as India. It was printed and circulated with some of our own personal funds and the financial assistance received from our well-wishers and benefactors. In this connection, we gratefully remember the generosity of the Phos Mission and of the Poothakkallil family, the major supporters of the print editions of The Voice of Orthodoxy. However, the cost of printing and mailing became more expensive that we could not continue its publication much longer; and after a decade of active life The Voice of Orthodoxy had to fold its pages for another decade, although some occasional special issues saw light from time to time. It is to be specially observed that some orthodox books were also published under the banner of The Voice of Orthodoxy, although the activities of the journal became dormant. In 2004 The Voice of Orthodoxy also published a video presentation regarding the origins and development of the Orthodox Syrian Church of Malankara in Chicago.
Our friends who had felt the importance and need for such a journal began to urge us to resurrect The Voice of Orthodoxy as a vehicle to disseminate the true teachings of orthodoxy. The new revolution in electronic communication and media encouraged us to launch a new experiment in resurrecting The Voice of Orthodoxy. We are confident that the readership of The Voice of Orthodoxy will be definitely augmented by the steadily emerging number of Internet users around the globe. Internet publication of a magazine also demands funds; nevertheless its accessibility to innumerable numbers of Internet users justifies its cost. Thus we believe that Internet is the latest tool devised by God through the intellect and hands of man to propagate the message of His Kingdom. So here we are using the same tool for the spread of Holy Orthodoxy, the true Christianity defining the path towards God’s Kingdom.
We are looking for sponsors who consider themselves being divinely compelled and genuinely desire to become participants in this ministry of journalism. They will be beneficiaries of the spiritual activities of this ministry; they and the members of their families will be remembered in the Eucharistic Divine Liturgies and daily prayers offered by the members of this ministry. If they contact us with their special spiritual needs and intentions, we will offer our intercessions on their behalf before the throne of God. In addition to these spiritual benefits, we also will publish their names in the “Sponsors Column” of this publication. This is all we can do for their sacrifices and for the love of God.
“The Voice of Orthodoxy” is a not-for-profit religious organization. If you desire to be a sponsor of this journalistic and philanthropic ministry, please contact us via email at, or call us at 773-480-7273 FREE in the U.S.A. May God bless you!