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The Conflict Between ‘Charismatic’ and ‘Academic’ Theology Not New in Orthodox Christianity

By John G. Panagiotou The Holy John Chrysostom interpreting the epistles of the Apostle Paul In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul writes to his spiritual son Timothy about the “deposit of faith” (in Greek, paradosis) which has been handed down from Christ to His Apostles, to their disciples and to their successors.1 What is this “deposit”…

The Meaning of Grace for the Christian

By John Panagiotou Do Something With Your Life As Christians, we are called to go into the world a little more sensitive, a little more different than when we arrive on this planet at conception. We are called to eternal life in the Kingdom of God with Jesus Christ and to lead others to that…

The Five Tasks of a Theologian in the 21st Century

By John Panagiotou Address delivered at the Opening Convocation of Cummins Theological Seminary, Summerville, South Carolina on September 10, 2016. The students entering seminary to begin their studies might ask “Why such a lofty topic?” “We came to seminary to become pastors and ministers, not scholars or academics.” And to them I respond, “You’re right.”…

Mary: The Example to All Christians

By John G. Panagiotou Mary of Nazareth has been given many titles over the last two millennia. She is called the Virgin Mary, Theotokos (Greek: “Birthgiver of God”), Panagia (Greek: “All Holy One”), the Blessed Mother and Our Lady to name a few. No other woman has achieved such enduring fame and influence than has…

Orthodox Christian Stewardship: What do Jesus, the Bible, and the Church Fathers Say about Tithing and Giving to God?

by John G. Panagiotou VOLUME XX                                                           FALL 2016                                    …

Orthodox Christian Civic Duty At A General Election

How An Orthodox Christian Should Form His Conscience To Exercise His Voting Rights at the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election By Chor-Episcopos Dr. Kyriakos of Chicago, Chief Editor VOLUME XX                                                    …

Cummins Theological Seminary Welcomes New Professor

Cummins Theological Seminary President, Dr. Julius Barnes, is pleased to announce the appointment of John G. Panagiotou as the Lecturer in New Testament Greek at the seminary beginning this fall.  John is a graduate of Wheeling Jesuit University and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.  He is a noted theologian, scholar and writer specializing in New…


News Bulletin OFFICE OF THE PANORTHODOX SECRETARIAT English Version Tuesday, 21 June, 2016 Number 1. HOLY AND GREAT COUNCIL OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH Orthodox Academy of Crete 18-27 June 2016 He divided the nations. When He distributed the tongues of fire, He called all to UNITY. And with one voice we glorify the All-Holy Spirit. (Kontakion…

Address for the Opening Session of the Holy and Great Council by His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and All Poland

Sacred Documents of the Holy And Great Council of the Orthodox Church (The Voice of Orthodoxy gladly publishes the various documents connected with the Holy and Great Council  held in Crete in June 2016 for study and discussion within its readership and within the Orthodox Christendom) VOLUME XIX              …


VOLUME XIX                                                      SUMMER 2016                                                  …
